How are property taxes calculated in Incline Village, NV?
In Washoe County, assessed value is calculated as 35% of taxable value. In Incline Village, the current tax year is $3, 3197 per $100 of assessed value. Properties are assessed approximately every 3-5 years. The sale of the property does not trigger a reassessment.
Property taxes are calculated by taking the current year tax rate and multiplying it by the assessed value. If that amount is greater than a 3% on primary residences and up to 8% on investment increase over the prior year’s taxes, abatement may be applied to limit the increase.
Taxable Value $1,000,000 x 35%
Assessed Value 350,000 x $.033197
Property Tax due $11,618.95
For more information on NV taxes in Lake Tahoe: